Free Images

RM Media free download image

RM Media promotes the sites it operates by allowing free use a small proportion of the images it owns in return for an attribution back to the website. These images are designed to be used by publishers, article writers and web designers in the course of their business.

These free images are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License which imposes certain conditions on the use of the image which must be followed to create a valid license.

This license allows the images to be used for free in return for the attribution link, a link to the actual license so others might use it under the same license terms and conditions and the display of the image title.

Under the license the images may be used for any purpose even on commercial websites but if alterations are made to the image they must be clearly stated.

On the Creative Commons website there is a guide to suitable linking here.

Please note the attribution link, link to the license and the title together with any alteration details must be in an obvious position on the same page as the link is published on directly below the image and cannot be hidden in the meta data etc as the license states that the links required must be in a reasonable position on the page.

The requirements of the license are for each published copy of the image so if it is used multiple times on a website then the required links and title must be on each page the image appears on.

Our selection of images licensed under a Creative Commons license may be found at;



The Blue Diamond Gallery


You are welcome to use these images for free but please do not try to cheat the company by using the images without following the terms and conditions of the license as it will invalidate your license to use the image for free and may lead to an action for copyright infringement.